Feminist Approach and Implication of Womenomics: Case Study of Germany’s Angela Merkel


  • Shahzeb Chaudhry Kinnaird College For Women University, Lahore




The field of Feminism theory become a part of International Relations during the 1980s, to study the impact of gender on politics. Cynthia Enloe questioned women and politics which has a huge impact on every individual, as it was a question no one ever asked before. The world is slowly accepting the revolutions that women are bringing. The introduction of the Womenomics term in Japan and how it is also becoming a part of other countries. Feminist Foreign policies are introduced and countries accept and implement them in their country. Feminist International Theory challenges Realism as the main difference between them is individuals as a priority. Angela Merkel is a living example of changing world and the beliefs of the people living in it. She becomes chancellor of Germany three times as it is hard for any woman to survive in male-dominated politics, but Angela Merkel survived and smooth the path for so many women in the world.


Keywords: Angela Merkel, Feminist Foreign Policy, Feminist International Relations, Germany, Womenomics.




How to Cite

Feminist Approach and Implication of Womenomics: Case Study of Germany’s Angela Merkel. (2023). UCP Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (HEC Recognized-Y Category), 2(1), 83-96. https://doi.org/10.24312/ucp-jhss.02.01.062