Impact of conversion on deposits and operational cost of Faysal Bank: A case of Pakistan


  • Sumera Iqbal Minhaj University Lahore


operational cost, deposits, conversion, crime, economic theory


Islamic financial industry is showing remarkable growth and has
earned confidence of both investors and the creditors. Conventional
banks are converting their business into Islamic around the globe and
Pakistan is much ahead in this regard since it has to convert all its
conventional banking into Islamic. This study is about the conversion of
Faysal Bank which the largest conversion globally rated by ‘first of its
scale’ by IIRA and AAOIFI. Finding of the study are that conversion
effect deposits positively also the bank is performing far better than
before conversion.




How to Cite

Sumera Iqbal. (2024). Impact of conversion on deposits and operational cost of Faysal Bank: A case of Pakistan. UCP Journal of Business Perspectives, 1(2), 64–72. Retrieved from