Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): UCP Journal of Law and Legal Education

University of Central Punjab Journal of Law and Legal Education (UCP-JLLE) fundamentally focuses on the promotion of constant dialogue and academic research. It is devoted to soliciting and publishing the views of legal academics and professionals on contemporary legal matters. The intent is to provide a platform for a paramount forum for contemplative and scholastic engagement in the wide range of issues of law and legal education. We are delighted to present the first issue of Volume one of UCP-JLLE.
The current issue contains five articles addressing questions from the areas of law and legal education. Ms. Khadija Amer critically analyzes the Frederick Schauer's Attempt to revive John Austin's theory of law against the criticisms of HLA Hart. She examins Schaur's misconceptions expressed in 'Was Austin right afterall?' in criticising HLA Hart. Syed Muhammad Aala Imran Sherazi secrutinizes the Pakistan's cyber laws in the context of cyber warfare and cyberdefence while advocating the need for developed and transnational cyberlaws for Pakistan. The third Article by Mr. Ishtiaq Ch. discusses the chowkidara system as a missing institute and highlights how the revival of this institute can bring solace to the law and order challenges of the society. Ms. Neelam Jaffari studies the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018 while foregrounding the personal, social and legal issues faced by transgenders. Her study also takes into account the legal and judicial development on the rights of transgenders in other jurisdictions.
We are thankful to the authors for their contributions to the first issue of UCP-JLLE and appreciate their patience through review process. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members of Advisory Board whose guidance and advice made this publication possible.