Design concept of cost effective LEO satellite system for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)
Radar; ADS-B; Air traffic; Surveillance, Simulation, Link budgetAbstract
Primary technique being used for air traffic surveillance is radar. But now-a-days its capacity surveillance is gradually being replaced by newly used Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B). ADS-B offers higher accuracy, low power consumption and long range than radar, which provides more safety to aircrafts. The coverage of terrestrial radar and ADS-B is confined to continental parts of the globe, leaving oceans and poles uncovered by real-time surveillance measures. On the other hand air traffic is growing rapidly, making available airspace more and more congested. The paper presents the design of a space based ADS-B system of 20 satellites for global air traffic surveillance over intercontinental trans-oceanic flight routes to make better use of available airspace. Performance assessment of the designed constellation is based on the analysis of various parameters such as regional and global coverage and satellite availability. LEO satellite handover mechanism and link budget for ADS-B system are also discussed. The results of parametric analysis indicate that the constellation provides adequate coverage in the simulated global and regional areas. The constellation is a feasible and cost effective solution for global air surveillance which can supplement/replace the terrestrial ADS-B and radar systems.
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