Author Guidelines
Submission Checklist
Carefully review each item listed below before submitting your article. Article submissions that do not follow the guidelines below will be returned to draft or immediately rejected.
- Manuscript should be prepared in a double column, single-spaced format using a required UCP-JEIT template.
- The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an UCP Journal. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.
- Author lists should be carefully considered before submission. Changes to author list post acceptance are not allowed.
- The main body text should be divided into sections with distinct headings. Background, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions are the standard divisions, but feel free to use whatever headings and subheadings best describe the review article.
- The article should be thoroughly reviewed for proper grammar before being submitted. Articles with poor grammar will be immediately rejected.
- All research works should be carefully referenced.
- The article should not be submitted elsewhere at the same time.
- Manuscript keywords (minimum of 3 and maximum of 10).
- If the article was previously rejected after peer review with encouragement to update and resubmit, then a complete “list of updates” must be included in a separate document. The list of updates should have the following regarding each comment: 1) reviewers’ concerns, 2) authors’ response to the concerns, 3) actual changes implemented.
- UCP-JEIT does not have a page limit; however, we strongly recommend keeping the page count under 15 pages for ease of readability.
Manuscript Types Acceptable for Peer Review
Research Article
This is a classic research article that has a hypothesis, investigation, solution, model, physical experiment and/or simulation and a result that is of value to the community within that area of expertise.
Topical review
This is a review of an emerging area within the journal’s scope that performs a technical and critical review of other articles. Calculations are performed and conclusions are drawn on the strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion can also discuss future challenges.
A survey article analyzes, summarizes, systemizes, and presents fresh conclusions from a large number of recently published scholarly articles.
Applied research
This article describes challenges and practical solutions for topics within the journal’s scope. Quantitative results for validation of the approach are expected.
Acknowledgment: UCP-JEIT in a broader prospect follows IEEE Access guidelines.
- The journal’s editorial board will process the manuscript for review ONLY after receiving the following form.
- Please sign and upload this copy with the submission file.
Author Consent and Publication Form