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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Submission of Research Articles:

  1. Authors are required to upload the manuscript without any details about the authors and their institutional information or any other information which can reveal identity of the author.
  2. A title page carrying authors’ names, their institutional affiliation, their contact details along with any acknowledgements, conflict of interest (if any), and declarations must be uploaded separately from the manuscript.
  3. Authors’ consent and declaration form must be uploaded separately with the title page and manuscript.
  4. Authors must adhere to the ethical consideration that the research work submitted to the journal is their original work and is not submitted/presented elsewhere for publication.
  5. Manuscripts in English language should be submitted to the journal within the range of 5000-7000 words in Microsoft Word file with A4 size and 12 point Times New Roman fonts. It should be submitted through portal and not through email.
  6. An abstract comprising 200-250 words should be structured as a summary reflecting the objectives, theoretical foundation, methodology, and main findings. Abstract must not contain any citations.
  7. Article should be properly formatted according to APA format (7th-edition) including citations.
  8. References should also be compiled according to the 7th edition of APA style.
  9. Only one article can be published by an author in the same issue.
  10. Manuscript must be submitted at OJS-system of the journal with a clear cover letter in which title of the article, authors’ names, institutional affiliations of authors, contact details of authors, corresponding author and any other information related to research work that author wants to share.
  11. Maximum of three contributors/authors will be allowed in one article.
  12. Any drawings/charts/illustrations/graphs used in the research work must be compiled in form ready for printing. Each one has clear number and caption according to APA format.
  13. Tables must be readable and properly labelled.
  14. Translated words and terminologies in English must be properly spelled according to standard dictionaries.
  15. Author(s) must submit Plagiarism Report (Turnitin) along with the manuscript. According to HEC plagiarism policy, a maximum of 19% similarity index is allowed.
  16. Every manuscript that is submitted to the journal for publication will be initially screened by the editor/editorial board in order to determine the relevance of research with scope of the journal. After initial screening, accepted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers’ comments will be shared with the author and in case of recommended revision, author will be given the time to make changes and re-submit the work. After a comprehensive screening process, acceptance or rejection will be communicated to the corresponding author.
  17. The Editor/Editorial board has the right to make minor changes and edit the draft (with the permission of authors), ask for revision or even reject the paper on quality issues/scope of the journal.
  18. Authors must know that any research paper cannot be withdrawn after it is peer-reviewed, provided the approval from editor/editorial board in special cases.
  19. Authors retain the copyright to their research articles published, with publication rights transferred to the journal. Please note that UCPJMC is not responsible for subsequent use of this work.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


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