About the Journal

UCP Journal of Languages and Literature is HEC recognized (Y-Category) research journal.

UCP Journal of Languages and Literature is a peer-reviewed research journal published by the Faculty of Languages and Literature, University of Central Punjab (UCP), Lahore, Pakistan. It is published bi-annually and aims at investigating and bringing forth innovative research-based concepts and practices at national and international levels, and promotes scholarly research in the domains of Language, Literature, and Linguistics. 

ISSN Numbers: 3005-6594 (Online), 3005-6586 (Print)

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): UCP Journal of Language & Literature (UCP-JLL)
View All Issues

UCP Journal of Languages and Literature is a peer-reviewed research journal published by the Faculty of Languages and Literature, University of Central Punjab (UCP), Lahore, Pakistan. It is published bi-annually and aims at investigating and bringing forth innovative research-based concepts and practices at national and international levels, and promotes scholarly research in the domains of Language, Literature, and Linguistics. The journal provides researchers and academic professionals a platform to share their novel theoretical and practical research initiatives.


Call for Papers - Vol, 2, Issue. 1, September 2024

  • Open-Access Model
  • Peer-Review System
  • Zero Publication Charges
  • Bi-Annual Issue Frequency
  • ISSN Numbers: 3005-6594 (Online), 3005-6586 (Print)